Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sleater-Kinney - Dig Me Out (1997)

The best album from a band I have only recently fallen in love with, Sleater-Kinney's Dig Me Out is often lumped in with the rest of the early '90s Pacific North West riot grrrl scene, but is so much more. I'd already listened to pretty much every band of note from that scene years back in the inevitable 16 year old riot grrrl phase, but had somehow missed Sleater-Kinney on the way. Probably just figured they were some hipster band that could never entertain me like the hardline yelling and carrying on of Bikini Kill. Anyway, upon finally listening to Dig Me Out it was clearly evident the scope of what I had been missing. An instant classic for me, and an indie rock staple of the '90s.

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